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New Janos software releases

The University of Utah Janos Team is happy to announce two active
network software releases:

	+ Version 1.0.0 of the Janos Java Libraries
	+ Snapshot 20000214 of the Utah NodeOS

The Janos Java Libraries are a suite of Java packages that provide
both a Java binding of the NodeOS API (implemented in Java) and our
ANTSR EE.  ANTSR is our extended port of ANTS to the NodeOS
primitives.  The Janos Java Libraries run on most any recent Java
virtual machine.

The Utah NodeOS snapshot is an implementation of the NodeOS API in C.
Most of the major primitives are provided, but many pieces are still
in development.  The Utah NodeOS runs on bare hardware (via the
OSKit), or on FreeBSD, Linux or Solaris.

More information on each package and each package's source can be
obtained from the Janos web pages:

Please direct any questions or comments to the Janos mailing list

- The Janos Team

[ Janos ] [ OSKit ] [ Network Testbed ] [ Flick ] [ Fluke ]
Flux Research Group / Department of Computer Science / University of Utah