president trump who warned as a candidate about the false song of globalism is marching straight into the maw of the global beast this week and he is singing his own tune trump is attending the global economic conclave in davos switzerland not because he has come around to the views broadly shared by the sort of international financial elite government figures and academics who gather annually in a swiss ski town he is going because he wants to say i told you so after a year in office america first the nativist cry that helped propel trump to the presidency is the backbone of a trump economic and foreign policy trump is expected to argue has benefited the united states exactly the way he said it would as he does at home trump will crow about a soaring stock market low unemployment the return of some jobs from overseas and the passage of his tax cut package among the plutocrats at the world economic forum trump will also try to turn on the salesmans charm president trump will reiterate that a prosperous america benefits the world when the united states grows so does the world white house economic adviser gary cohn told reporters ahead of the trip the president is going to davos to speak to world leaders about investing in the united states moving businesses to the united states hiring american workers changing the direction of our economy to be one of the biggest and best and most efficient economies in the world