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Re: Re: Some Doubts

> Excuse-me, I make a mistake. The correct is fisical layer. 

Yes, sorry I missed that, also, its spelled physical

> My doubt is about how can I classify ANTS ?

Its probably closest to the Network Layer in the osi model.

> If I use the payload of datagram UDP to put the ANTS's header, it's a
> technology of transport layer. isn't it ?

In this case, think of ANTS as a network laid on top of another
network.  We use UDP to transport our packets around, but you could also
imagine using TCP/ethernet or whatever.

> Header and payload IP (with ANTS) don't change ? 
> The diference between datagram UDP conventional and one with ANTS is the
> payload of UDP datagram ?

The ANTS stuff is just another set of headers on the packet, so its:

  ethernet | ip | udp | ANEP | ANTS | ANTS protocol
                         ^ This is just a generic active network header.

> Ricardo Ribeiro.

tim stack

[ Janos ] [ OSKit ] [ Network Testbed ] [ Flick ] [ Fluke ]
Flux Research Group / Department of Computer Science / University of Utah