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I need help<Running Dante Client on ABone.>

I am using the ANT2.0 which is downloaded from UW and trying to connect the core node on ABone using Dante Client. But there is no response capule at all.
My configuation file
# Dante Client #1
node -updateRoutes -routes 
channel localhost:8005
application ants.dante.DanteClient -node -physical "*:8001:son.isi.edu" -protocol if/ipv4/udp -testcount 8 -principal DanteUser
Is there anyone who connect your node to ABone as a edge node?
I attached the messages on the terminal using TraceFlag when I run the DanteClient.


[ Janos ] [ OSKit ] [ Network Testbed ] [ Flick ] [ Fluke ]
Flux Research Group / Department of Computer Science / University of Utah