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Janos on Moab on Linux - Node OSKit

Hello, all.  I have been away on TDY for a while, but
I'm back now, and breaking Janos with my usual alacrity.

I am currently working on the JanosVM on top of the
JNodeOS on top of Moab on top of Linux. That is, I
want a Moab node OS directly on Linux, without any
OSKit. At least I THINK that is what I read was possible.

The purpose of this is to get a Moab-based active 
router going on top of Linux, rather than on a standalone
PC. I wish to explore the use of LKMs to provide
the level of resource control one would like. I also
want to explore separating out the packet forwarding
functions from routing updates and other infrequent
operations. This is all with an eye to implementing this
on an NP with a separate control processor.
Now, I have compiled Moab and the J NodeOS with no
insurmountable problems. I have also compiled Kaffe
on Linux. But, when I try to compile the JanosVM
it bletches. It complains that no proper OSKit 
compiler can be found, which is no surprise since
I am trying to avoid using the OSKit.

Attached are my build notes. They are lengthy, but
complete. If anyone can shed light on this, I would
appreciate it.

Pete Lutz (RIT)

Peter H. Lutz, Ph.D.
Professor of Information Technology
Coordinator of Networking and System Administration
Department of Information Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology
102 Lomb Memorial Drive - Bldg. 70
Rochester, NY  14623              RRRR   III  TTTTT
                                  R   R   I     T 
VOICE: 716 475-6162               RRRR    I     T
FAX:   716 475-2181               R  R    I     T
EMAIL: phl@it.rit.edu             R   R  III    T

# This is a crude shell script to build the Janos layered
# system on a Redhat 6.2 Linux host
  # set to root of all source trees
  export ROOT=$HOME		
  # set to root of all installations (make sure directory exists)
  export INSTDIR=$HOME/instdir	
  # Be sure java 2 is installed.
  # I used jdk1.4

# All commands are executed from the root of the source directory
# for the component, unless otherwise specified.

# NODEOS (moab) - install source tree in ${ROOT}/moab
  cd ${ROOT}/moab
  mkdir -p ./build
  mkdir -p $INSTDIR/moab

  cd ./build
  ../configure --prefix=$INSTDIR/moab --srcdir=$ROOT/moab
  make install

# JANOS NodeOS - install source tree in ${ROOT}/jnodeos
  # NOTE: This lies ABOVE the VM, but must be built first, since some of
  # its library files are used in the JANOSVM

  # ALSO you must use the July 1, 2001 version from CVS.  To get it:
  cd ${ROOT}
  export CVS_RSH=ssh
  cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@leak.cs.utah.edu:/cvs login
  # No password for above login
  cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@leak.cs.utah.edu:/cvs checkout jnodeos
  # (The cvs cmd will create a jnodeos directory in ${ROOT})

  # in $ROOT/jnodeos/src/nodeos edit moab_BufferHandle.Java
  # and add a method   PACKAGE native void setLength(int l);

  # THEN
  cd ${ROOT}/jnodeos
  mkdir -p ./jbuild
  mkdir -p $INSTDIR/jnodeos
  cd ./jbuild
  ./build -moab
  cp -r classes-moab-debug/ $INSTDIR/jnodeos

# JANOSVM - install source tree in ${ROOT}/janosvm
  # FIRST: install kaffe on your Linux box (native)
  cd $ROOT/janosvm
  mkdir -p $INSTDIR/kaffe
  mkdir -p ./build
  cd ./build
  ../configure --prefix=$INSTDIR/kaffe --srcdir=${ROOT}/janosvm
  make all
  make install
  make check

  # THEN: install the janosvm to run on top of moab
  make distclean
  cd ${ROOT}/janosvm/config/i386/nodeos
  mkdir -p ./build
  cd ./build
  export JNODEOS_CLASSES_ZIP=${INSTDIR}/jnodeos/classes-moab-debug/jnodeos-moab-debug.zip
  export JANOSVM_CLASSES_ZIP=${ROOT}/janosvm/libraries/jvmlib/JanosVM.jar
  chmod +x ../nodeos-configure
  ../nodeos-configure --srcdir=${ROOT}/janosvm --oskitdir=${INSTDIR}/oskit \
  --localkaffeh=${INSTDIR}/kaffe/bin/kaffeh --nodeosdir=${INSTDIR}/moab --nodeosunix
  make install

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Flux Research Group / Department of Computer Science / University of Utah