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Dear sir:
 I am interested in Janos,but when I installed janosVM in my computer,I 
encounted some problems that I could't solve by myself.The details as follows:
        *** [gcj-class.lo] Error 1
        Leaving derectory '/usr/local/janosvm-0.6.0/kaffe/kaffevm/gcj'
        *** [all_recursive] Error 1
        Leaving derectory '/usr/local/janosvm-0.6.0/kaffe/kaffevm'
        *** [all_recursive] Error 1
        Leaving derectory '/usr/local/janosvm-0.6.0/kaffe/'
        *** [all_recursive] Error 1  
And it told me that in 
"/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.96/include/java/lang/Class.h" and 
"/gcj-class.cc" ,there were "invalid use of undefined type 'union _Jv_word' "
and "forword declaration of 'union_Jv_word'"

I will apprieciate your help very much!

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Dear sir:<br> I am interested in Janos,but when I installed janosVM in my computer,I <br>encounted some problems that I could't solve by myself.The details as follows:<br>        *** [gcj-class.lo] Error 1<br>        Leaving derectory '/usr/local/janosvm-0.6.0/kaffe/kaffevm/gcj'<br>        *** [all_recursive] Error 1<br>        Leaving derectory '/usr/local/janosvm-0.6.0/kaffe/kaffevm'<br>        *** [all_recursive] Error 1<br>        Leaving derectory '/usr/local/janosvm-0.6.0/kaffe/'<br>        *** [all_recursive] Error 1  <br>And it told me that in <br>&quot;/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.96/include/java/lang/Class.h&quot; and <br>&quot;/gcj-class.cc&quot; ,there were &quot;invalid use of undefined type 'union _Jv_word' &quot;<br>and &quot;forword declaration of 'union_Jv_word'&quot;<br><br>I will apprieciate your help very much!<br>             <br><br><br><br><body background="http://images.163.com/images/logo/maillist/vip/background.gif" bgproperties="fixed">
<font style='font-size:9pt'>

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Flux Research Group / Department of Computer Science / University of Utah