> Dear sir: > I think I have install janos completelely with > janosMakefiles,because when I typed "make > janosvm-config janosvm-all janosvm-install' ,ans so on ,there were no error. > Now my janos includes "oskit,moab ,jnodeos, janosvm, > antsr" , but Unfortunately, ants will not work in this configuration, mostly due to deficiancies in this version of ants. If you want to run ants on a unix box you can create a new config file with atleast jnodeos/antsr and try that out. Also, since you were having problems with sun's jdk, you might try using a version of janosvm built for unix. > I don't know how to use examples of ants in janosMakefless,such as > ping. There are not codes of ping in > /usr/local/janosMakefiles/build/antsr-moab-debug/, so I copy "defaultEnv, > ping.*, sanitycheck" to > /usr/local/janosMakefiles/build/antsr-moab-debug/myants,then I copy anstvm to > there and type "./sanitycheck" ,there are many errors as follows: > > Trying command: ./antsvm edu.utah.janos.nodeos.Main > Should print something like:'ERROR:Must supply a class to load into root flow' > ---BEGIN OUTPUT > Exception in thread "main" java.java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no > kaffenodeos in java.library.path The version of the jnodeos that gets built for moab will not work correctly in a pure java environment. For example, here it is trying to a load a native library that only exists in janosvm. Dear Sir: As you said in janos's homepage that janos's architecture includes of "oskit, moab, jnodeos, janosvm, antsr" and antsr acts as EE. However, you told me that I should create a new config file with at least jnodeos/antsr in this letter.Do you mean that I should only install jnodeos and antsr(by the way, my antsr is ants-2.0.3) or set components as jnodeos/antsr and install "janosvm,oskit,moab" separately in default.cfg, or create a new default.cfg whose components is jnodeos/antsr. If as you said in this letter that ants will not work in this configuration, mostly due to deficiancies in this version of ants. How can I use janos whose components is "oskit moab jnodeos janosvm antsr" as a whole. The second question: Which enviroment will Jnodeos that gets built for moab work on when I have installed "oskit, moab, janosvm"? In my opinion, it does not work on pure java enviroment. As I want to select janos as my active network system, I think there are so little information about how to run and use janos. Can you give me some advices about run janos for me? ============================================================= VIP邮箱出新款,优惠价每月只要4元钱! 用vip邮箱,送《求职宝典》! 定包月短信,送VIP邮箱 ! 10元钱能做什么?安全稳定,尽在网易VIP邮箱! 网易VIP邮箱,打个电话立即拥有! |