Dear sir: I have a new question about janos.Janos,as a java-oriented active network system,includes oskit,moab,jnodeos,janosvm,and antsr.But do janos must have all of these components? As I understanding, ants acts as EE and jnodeos as nodeos if I want to run janos in Java environments, oskit and moab is useless in the environments. But if I wants run janos in C environments, I should include oskit,moab,janosvm and ants except jnodeos.Is it right? Please give some advices about janos's architech? If I want to run janos in Java and C,how can I do? Thanks! ============================================================= VIP邮箱出新款,优惠价每月只要4元钱! 用vip邮箱,送《求职宝典》! 定包月短信,送VIP邮箱 ! 10元钱能做什么?安全稳定,尽在网易VIP邮箱! 网易VIP邮箱,打个电话立即拥有! |