Besides a lot of individual users,
there are a number of projects using the OSKit.
These are some of the ones we've been told about.
Please let us know of others.
OS Projects
- Mungi Project:
is a well-known single-address space operating system,
developed at the University of New South Wales,
- L4 ports:
In developing
versions of the L4 microkernel
to support Mungi,
UNSW has ported much of the OSKit to 64 bit MIPS
and is working on an Alpha port.
- Exokernel Project:
The western
Pennsylvania branch of the
Exokernel Project
at MIT is using the OSKit for its network device drivers.
- Fiasco Project:
The Fiasco u-kernel
project at the Technische Universitdt Dresden has built an
L4-compatible microkernel using the OSKit.
- Off distributed adaptable microkernel:
The Off
distributed adaptable microkernel from Carlos III University
and built on the OSKit, is the nucleus for the
2K distributed adaptable
OS project at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana.
- Nilo:
In building the GNU
Network Boot Loader, The Free Software Foundation is using
several parts of the OSKit.
- Network Storage Solutions:
Network Storage Solutions
is using the OSKit to provide the base hardware support for a
"network appliance"-style server.
- Alchemy:
Here at Utah, Alchemy/Knit is using the OSKit to experiment with
component composition for systems software.
Language-oriented Projects
- Express Project:
The Express
Project at MIT: Programming Language Structures for Systems
Software. They have built an "ML/OS" that runs ML on the raw
hardware and are using it explore the interaction between
advanced programming languages, operating systems, and
- MzScheme:
The Programming Languages Team at Rice University ported
their base Scheme implementation to the OSKit in five hours.
- Janos:
Here at Utah, the Janos project is constructing an OS
customized for running Java byte code, targeted at active