Example SPAK code that tries to find a preemptive, non-preemptive, and
preemption threshold schedule for a task set:
struct task_set *ts;
int feas;
max_resp = 100000;
ts = create_task_set (3, 0, 0, 3,
1000, 0, 0, 0,
// C T D J B
new_simple_task (ts, 20, 70, 50, 0, 0, "t1");
new_simple_task (ts, 20, 80, 80, 0, 0, "t2");
new_simple_task (ts, 35, 200, 100, 0, 0, "t3");
set_priorities (ts, INORDER);
make_all_preemptible (ts);
assign_optimal_pri (ts);
feas = feasible (ts, FALSE);
if (feas == num_tasks (ts)) {
printf ("found a fully preemptive schedule:\n");
print_task_set (ts);
} else {
printf ("optimal preemptive algorithm did not find a schedule\n");
printf ("\n");
make_all_nonpreemptible (ts);
assign_optimal_pri (ts);
feas = feasible (ts, FALSE);
if (feas == num_tasks (ts)) {
printf ("found a fully non-preemptive schedule:\n");
print_task_set (ts);
} else {
printf ("optimal non-preemptive algorithm did not find a schedule\n");
printf ("\n");
anneal_priorities_and_thresholds (&ts, TRUE);
feas = feasible (ts, FALSE);
if (feas == num_tasks (ts)) {
printf ("found a schedule using preemption thresholds:\n");
print_task_set (ts);
} else {
printf ("heuristic preemption threshold algorithm did not find a schedule\n");
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