Example SPAK code for finding the factor by which the WCET of each
task, taken separately, must be scaled to make the set feasible:
struct task_set *ts;
int i;
max_resp = 1000000;
ts = create_task_set (18, 10, 500, 0,
1000, 0, 0, 0,
// C T D J B name
new_simple_task (ts, 3500, 200000, 5000, 0, 0, "t1");
new_simple_task (ts, 2000, 25000, 25000, 0, 0, "t2");
new_simple_task (ts, 5000, 25000, 25000, 0, 0, "t3");
new_simple_task (ts, 1000, 40000, 40000, 0, 0, "t4");
new_simple_task (ts, 9000, 50000, 50000, 0, 0, "t5");
new_simple_task (ts, 5000, 50000, 50000, 0, 0, "t6");
new_simple_task (ts, 8000, 59000, 59000, 0, 0, "t7");
new_simple_task (ts, 12000, 80000, 80000, 0, 0, "t8");
new_simple_task (ts, 2000, 80000, 80000, 0, 0, "t9");
make_all_preemptible (ts);
set_priorities (ts, DM);
for (i=0; i<=9; i++) {
time_value orig = get_wcet (ts, i);
double scale;
for (scale = 1.0; scale > 0; scale -= 0.001) {
set_wcet (ts, i, orig * scale);
if (feasible (ts, FALSE) == num_tasks (ts)) {
printf ("task %d : WCET must be scaled by %f to make the set feasible\n",
i, scale);
goto out;
printf ("task %d : no scaling of this task can make the set feasible!\n", i);
set_wcet (ts, i, orig);
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