edu::utah::pces::Allup | The main interface to the Allup server |
AllupImpl | A straight-forward implementation of the edu::utah::pces::Allup interface |
ATRMain_quo | A version of the ATRMain class that interacts with QuO |
ATRWrapper | Wrapper class for the adapter/delegate |
BasicDelegate | A simple delegate that computes the number of deadlines missed and passes the value to Broker::RealTimeAdvocate::ReportCPU |
Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskCallback | A basic callback for monitoring a real-time application |
BasicTaskCallbackImpl | An implementation of a Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskCallback that logs when its methods were called |
Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskCallbackImpl | A subclass of the Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskCallbackPOA class generated from the BasicTaskContract |
Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskQosket | Basic Qosket for real-time tasks |
BasicTaskQosketImpl | A subclass of the Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskQosketSkel class generated from the BasicTaskContract |
Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskQosketImpl | A subclass of the Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskQosketSkel class generated from the BasicTaskContract |
ContractDelegate | A BasicDelegate that will evaluate a QuO contract during a precall/postcall |
CORBA_quo | A CORBA CommunicationsModel for the ATR that includes support for QuO |
cpu_reserve_attr | The CPU reservation parameters |
Delegate | Abstract class for fake C++ delegates that work with the rk_stub library |
BrokerDelegates::Delegate | Interface for objects that will delegate method calls to another object |
DelegateMixin< T, T_var > | Base class for objects that wish to act as a delegate |
Broker::DuplicateScheduleParameter | Exception thrown when a duplicate parameter is found in the ScheduleParameters list |
Broker::DuplicateTaskParameter | Exception thrown when a duplicate parameter is found in the TaskParameters list |
edu::utah::pces::FactoryLibrary | The FactoryLibrary interface provides a wrapper around shared libraries that can communicate with CORBA objects |
FactoryLibrary_ltdl | An edu::utah::pces::FactoryLibrary implementation that uses libltdl |
FakeDelegate | Abstract class for fake C++ delegates that work with the rk_stub library |
GlacialTaskAdvocate | An ExactTaskAdvocate that is slower to react to changes in the required amount of CPU time |
HeyParser | A parser for command-line arguments given in the pseudo-English "hey" form |
HeyParser::Pair | Helper class that stores name/value pairs |
HeyParserException | Base class for exceptions thrown by the parser |
HeyPropertyInfo | Helper class that holds descriptions of properties |
Broker::Internal | Exception thrown when an internal error occurs |
Broker::InvalidScheduleParameter | Exception thrown when an invalid parameter is passed in a ScheduleParameters list |
Broker::InvalidState | XXX fill me in |
Broker::InvalidStatus | Exception thrown when an invalid status value is received by the implementation |
Broker::InvalidTaskParameter | Exception thrown when an invalid parameter is passed in a TaskParameters list |
lnList | A combined head and tail for lists that contain lnNode's |
lnMinList | A combined head and tail for lists that contain lnMinNode's |
lnMinNode | Basic node structure that is used for doubly linked list |
lnNode | Extended node structure that is used for doubly linked lists that can be ordered by priority |
LoggingAdvocate | A Broker::RealTimeAdvocate that suggests the task gets the exact amount of compute time as needed by the last period |
Broker::Manager | The Manager interface is a point of indirection for the Tasks that wish to be scheduled by a contention policy |
ManagerImpl | A default implementation of the Broker::Manager interface |
MaxDecayTaskAdvocate | An ExactTaskAdvocate that will always advise the maximum required processing time it has ever seen |
Broker::MissingScheduleParameter | Exception thrown when a required parameter is missing from the ScheduleParameters list |
Broker::MissingTaskParameter | Exception thrown when a required parameter is missing from the TaskParameters list |
Broker::NamedValue | The NamedValue structure is used to construct variable length argument lists for some methods |
NamingHelper< T > | Utility functions for using the CORBA Naming Service |
edu::utah::pces::NoSuchLibrary | Exception raised when a library could not be found or loaded |
Broker::Policy | A Policy provides an interface for objects that can manage contention for a resource |
FrameManip::Processor | Send data to node for processing |
QuoAdvocate | A Broker::RealTimeAdvocate that suggests the task gets the exact amount of compute time as needed by the last period |
RealTimeSchedule | Used to help policies that manage Broker::RealTimeTask's |
Broker::RealTimeTask | The RealTimeTask interface encapsulates scheduling parameters for tasks that have real-time requirements |
BrokerDelegates::RealTimeTaskDelegate | Delegate for Broker::RealTimeTask objects |
RealTimeTaskDelegateImpl | Base class for delegates of the Broker::RealTimeTask class |
rk::ResourceSet | Native class used to interact with TimeSys resource sets |
ResourceSetTest | Test for the rk.ResourceSet class |
rk_reserve_param | The resource reservation parameters |
RKTask | An implementation of Broker::RealTimeTask for the TimeSys resource kernel |
RTServer | Simple interface for a synthetic real-time server |
RTServerImpl | Basic implementation of the RTServer interface |
RTServerWrapper | A QuO wrapper for the RTServerAdapter class |
BrokerPolicies::StrictPolicy | A simple strict priority-based contention policy |
BrokerDelegates::StrictPolicyDelegate | Delegate for BrokerPolicies::StrictPolicy objects |
StrictPolicyDelegateImpl | Base class for objects that wish to act as a delegate of a BrokerPolicies::StrictPolicy object |
StrictPolicyImpl | An implementation of the StrictPolicy interface |
StrictPolicyImpl::TaskPriority | List node used to track tasks that this policy is managing |
StubBasicTaskCallback | A stub Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskCallback that can be used for testing |
StubBasicTaskQosket | A BasicTaskQosketImpl subclass that can be used for testing |
StubPolicy | A Broker::Policy subclass that can be used for testing |
StubRealTimeTask | A Broker::RealTimeTask class that can be used for testing |
StubTask | A Broker::Task class that can be used for testing |
Broker::Task | The Task interface encapsulates the per-process resource usage detection policy |
BrokerDelegates::TaskDelegate | Delegate for Broker::Task objects |
Broker::TaskFactory | A TaskFactory provides an interface for processes to request resource management by a task |
TaskFactoryTemplate< T > | Template for task factories that just construct a task with the Broker::TaskParameters passed to Broker::TaskFactory::CreateTask |