Chapter 35
Executable Program Interpreter: liboskit_exec.a

The OSKit provides a small library that can recognize and load program executables in a variety of formats. It is analogous to the GNU Binary File Descriptor (BFD) library, except that it only supports loading linked program executables rather than general reading and writing of all types of object files. For this reason, it is much smaller and simpler than BFD.

Furthermore, as with the other OSKit components, the executable interpreter library is designed to be as generic and environment-independent as possible, so that it can readily be used in any situation in which it is useful. For example, the library does not directly do any memory allocation; it operates purely using memory provided to it explicitly. Furthermore, it does not make any assumptions about how a program’s code and data are to be written into the proper target address space; instead it uses generic callback functions for this purpose. All of the library functions are pure, not containing or relying on any global shared state.

All of the executable loading functions take pointers to two callback functions as parameters; the library calls these functions, which the client OS must provide, to load data from the executable and map or copy it into the address space of the program being loaded. Since all loading is done through these callback functions, the OSKit’s executable interpreter code can be used to load executables either into the same address space as the program currently running (e.g., loading a kernel from a boot loader) or into a different address space. The prototypes and semantics of these callback functions are defined below, in Section 35.2.

35.1 Header Files

This section describes the header files provided with the OSKit’s executable interpreter library. For normal use of the library, only exec.h is needed; however, the other headers are provided as a convenience for clients that need to do their own executable interpretation.

35.1.1 exec.h: definitions for executable interpreter functions


This header file contains all the function prototypes for the executable loading functions described below, and all other symbol definitions required to use the executable program interpreter functions. Ths exec.h header file also defines the following error codes, returned from the executable loading functions:

Indicates that the file is not in any recognized executable format.
Indicates that the file is in a recognized executable file format, but it is an executable for a different processor architecture.
Indicates that the file appears to be an executable file in a recognized format, but something is seriously wrong with it (e.g., the file was truncated or mangled).
Indicates that something is wrong with the memory or file image layout described by the executable file.

35.1.2 a.out.h: semi-standard a.out file format definitions


This header file defines a set of structures and symbols describing a.out-format object and executable files. Since the a.out format is extremely nonstandard and varies widely even across different operating systems for the same processor architecture, this header file only provides a minimal, “least-common-denominator” set of definitions that applies to all the a.out variants we know of. Therefore, actually interpreting a.out files requires considerably more information than is provided in this header file; for more information, see the source code for the OSKit’s a.out interpreter, in exec/x86/aout.c.

An a.out file contains a simple fixed-size header, represented by the following structure:

struct exec {

  unsigned long a_magic; /* Magic number */
  unsigned long a_text; /* Size of text segment */
  unsigned long a_data; /* Size of initialized data */
  unsigned long a_bss; /* Size of uninitialized data */
  unsigned long a_syms; /* Size of symbol table */
  unsigned long a_entry; /* Entry point */
  unsigned long a_trsize; /* Size of text relocation */
  unsigned long a_drsize; /* Size of data relocation */


The a_magic field typically contain one of the following traditional magic numbers:

Used for relocatable object files (.o’s).
Originally used for executable files before demand-loading; current systems generally no longer use this.
This is the standard magic number for demand-loadable executable files; however, the exact meaning of this magic number varies from system to system.
An alternate demand-loadable format, in which the a.out header itself is actually part of the text segment.

In addition, this header defines the nlist structure which describes the format of a.out symbol table entries:

struct nlist {

  long n_strx; /* Offset of symbol name in the string table */
  unsigned char n_type; /* Symbol/relocation type */
  char n_other; /* Miscellaneous info */
  short n_desc; /* Miscellaneous info */
  unsigned long n_value; /* Symbol value */


35.1.3 elf.h: standard 32-bit ELF file format definitions


This header file contains a number of structure and symbol definitions describing the data structures used in ELF files. Since these names and their meanings are fairly well standardized, they are not described here; instead, see the ELF specification for details.

35.2 Types

This section describes the types and other symbols which the client OS must interact with in order to use the executable interpreter library. These symbols are defined in oskit/exec/exec.h.

35.2.1 exec_read_func_t: executable file reader callback


#include <oskit/exec/exec.h>

typedef int exec_read_func_t(void *handle, oskit_addr_t file_ofs, void *buf, oskit_size_t size, [out] oskit_size_t *actual);


This type describes the function prototype of the read callback function which the client OS must supply to the executable interpreter; it is used by the executable interpreter library to read “metadata” from the executable file such as the executable file’s header (as opposed to the actual executable data itself). It is basically analogous in purpose and semantics to the standard POSIX read function.

This is simply the opaque pointer value originally passed by the client in the call to the executable interpreter; the client’s callbacks typically use it to locate any state relevant to the executable being loaded. The actual use or meaning of this parameter is completely opaque to the executable interpreter library.
This parameter indicates the offset in the file at which to start reading.
buf :
The buffer into which to read data.
The maximum amount of data to read from the file. Less than this much data may be read if end-of-file is reached during the read.
The client callback returns the amount of data actually read in this parameter. It should be equal to the requested size unless the end-of-file was reached.

Returns 0 on success, or an error code on failure. The error code may be either one of the EX_ error codes defined in exec.h, or it may be a caller-defined error code, which the executable interpreter code will simply pass directly back through to the original caller.

35.2.2 exec_read_exec_func_t: executable file reader callback


#include <oskit/exec/exec.h>

typedef int exec_read_exec_func_t(void *handle, oskit_addr_t file_ofs, oskit_size_t file_size, oskit_addr_t mem_addr, oskit_size_t mem_size, exec_sectype_t section_type);


This type describes the function prototype of the read_exec callback function which the client OS must supply to the executable interpreter; it is used by the executable interpreter library to read actual executable code and data from the executable file to be copied or mapped into the loaded program’s image. It is also used to indicate to the client where debugging information can be found in the executable, and what format it is in. The executable interpreter generally calls this function once for each “section” it finds in the executable file, indicating where in the executable file to load or map from and where in the resulting program image to copy or map to. The actual executable data itself never actually “passes through” the generic executable interpreter itself; instead, the interpreter merely “directs” the loading process, giving the client OS ultimate flexibility in the way the loading is performed. In fact, the client’s callback function does not even necessarily need to “load” the executable: for example, if the client merely wants to determine the memory layout described by the executable file, it can provide a callback that does not actually load anything but instead just records the information passed by the executable interpreter.

Note that not all sections in an executable file are necessarily relevant to the loaded program image itself: for example, the executable interpreter also calls this callback when it encounters debug sections that the client may be interested in. Therefore, to avoid choking on such sections, the client’s implementation of this callback function should always check the section_type parameter and ignore sections for which EXEC_SECTYPE_ALLOC is not set and it doesn’t otherwise know how to deal with.

This is simply the opaque pointer value originally passed by the client in the call to the executable interpreter; the client’s callbacks typically use it to locate any state relevant to the executable being loaded. The actual use or meaning of this parameter is completely opaque to the executable interpreter library.
This parameter indicates the offset in the file at which the section’s data begins. This is only valid for sections that have file data: for example, for BSS sections, which are allocated but not loaded, this parameter is undefined.
Size of the section’s data in the executable file, or zero for sections that have no file data, such as BSS sections.
The address in the loaded program’s address space at which this section should be loaded. This address is found in or deduced from the executable file’s metadata, and generally indicates the address for which this section of the program was linked. For sections that are not allocated in the program image (sections without the EXEC_SECTYPE_ALLOC flag), this parameter is undefined and should be ignored.
The amount of memory to allocate for this section in the loaded program’s address space. This is usually equal to file_size, but may be larger, in which case the remaining portion of the section past the end of the data actually loaded from the file must be initialized to zero.
Indicates the type of this section; it is a mask of the flag bits described below in Section 35.2.3.

Returns 0 on success, or an error code on failure. The error code may be either one of the EX_ error codes defined in exec.h, or it may be a caller-defined error code, which the executable interpreter code will simply pass directly back through to the original caller.

35.2.3 exec_sectype_t: section type flags word


#include <oskit/exec/exec.h>

typedef int exec_sectype_t;


The following flag definitions describe the section_type value that the executable program interpreter library passes back to the client in the read_exec callback:

Indicates that the pages into which this section is loaded should be given read permission.
Indicates that the pages into which this section is loaded should be given write permission.
Indicates that the pages into which this section is loaded should be given execute permission.
This is a bit mask containing the above three bits; it can be used to isolate the protection information in the section type flags word.
This bit indicates that this section’s virtual address range is valid and the corresponding region should be allocated in the loaded program’s virtual address space. Most normal program sections include both EXEC_SECTYPE_ALLOC and EXEC_SECTYPE_LOAD, indicating that the section should be allocated and loaded. However, a section with only EXEC_SECTYPE_ALLOC corresponds to an uninitialized data or “BSS” section: the section’s address range is allocated and zero-filled. Sections that don’t include EXEC_SECTYPE_ALLOC typically contain debugging, symbol table, relocations, or other information not normally loaded with the program.
This bit indicates that at least some of the section’s virtual address range should be initialized by loading it from the executable program image, as specified in the file_ofs and file_size parameters to the read_exec function above. Implies EXEC_SECTYPE_ALLOC.
Indicates that this section contains debugging information, such as symbol table or line number information. The specific type of debugging information it contains is indicated by other bits defined below.
Indicates that this section is the symbol table section from an a.out executable. Implies EXEC_SECTYPE_DEBUG.
Indicates that this section is the string table section from an a.out executable. Implies EXEC_SECTYPE_DEBUG.

35.2.4 exec_info_t: executable information structure


#include <oskit/exec/exec.h>

struct exec_info {

  exec_format_t format; /* Executable file format */
  oskit_addr_t entry; /* Entrypoint address */
  oskit_addr_t init_dp; /* Initial data pointer */

}; typedef struct exec_info exec_info_t;

Each of the executable interpreter functions described below fills in a caller-provided structure of this type after successfully loading an executable. This structure contains miscellaneous information about the executable: in particular, information needed to actually start the program running.

The file format in which the executable was expressed.
The entrypoint address of the executable, which is where it should start running.
This value is only relevant on some architectures (and in particular not the x86); it is a secondary address, typically loaded into another processor register when the program is started and used as a “data pointer” for accessing global data.

35.3 Function Reference

This section describes the actual functions exported to the client OS by the executable interpreter library, liboskit_exec.a.

35.3.1 exec_load: detect the type of an executable file and load it


#include <oskit/exec/exec.h>

int exec_load(exec_read_func_t *read, exec_read_exec_func_t *read_exec, void *handle, [out] exec_info_t *info);


This is the primary entrypoint to the executable interpreter: it automatically detects the type of an executable file and loads it using the specified callback functions. This function simply calls, in succession, each of the format-specific executable loader functions that apply to the architecture for which the OSKit was compiled, until one succeeds or returns an error other than EX_NOT_EXECUTABLE.

Specifies the metadata reader callback function, as described in Section 35.2.1.
Specifies the executable data reader callback function, as described in Section 35.2.2.
An opaque pointer value which the executable interpreter simply passes through to the callback functions.
A pointer to an exec_info structure which the executable interpreter will fill with information about the loaded executable.

Returns 0 on success, or an error code on failure. The error code may be either one of the EX_ error codes defined in exec.h, or it may be a caller-defined error code returned by one of the callback functions and passed through to the client.

35.3.2 exec_load_elf: load a 32-bit ELF executable file


#include <oskit/exec/exec.h>

int exec_load_elf(exec_read_func_t *read, exec_read_exec_func_t *read_exec, void *handle, [out] exec_info_t *info);


This function recognizes, interprets, and loads executables in the ELF (Executable and Linkable File) format.

Specifies the metadata reader callback function, as described in Section 35.2.1.
Specifies the executable data reader callback function, as described in Section 35.2.2.
An opaque pointer value which the executable interpreter simply passes through to the callback functions.
A pointer to an exec_info structure which the executable interpreter will fill with information about the loaded executable.

Returns 0 on success, or an error code on failure. The error code may be either one of the EX_ error codes defined in exec.h, or it may be a caller-defined error code returned by one of the callback functions and passed through to the client.

35.3.3 exec_load_aout: load an a.out-format executable file


#include <oskit/exec/exec.h>

int exec_load_aout(exec_read_func_t *read, exec_read_exec_func_t *read_exec, void *handle, [out] exec_info_t *info);


This function recognizes, interprets, and loads executables in the traditional Unix a.out file format. Unfortunately, there are many variants of the a.out format, even on a single processor architecture, each with similar but incompatible interpretations. Furthermore, there is no completely reliable and unambiguous way to differentiate between many of these formats: they often use the same magic numbers even though they have very different meanings. However, by using some hairy but fairly reliable heuristics, tthe OSKit’s a.out loader for the x86 architecture simultaneously supports Linux, NetBSD, FreeBSD, and Mach executables, in the OMAGIC, NMAGIC, QMAGIC, and several ZMAGIC variants. Thus, at least for executables linked on one of these systems, the OSKit’s loader should “just work.” Nevertheless, the a.out format is very outdated at best, and we strongly recommend anyone using the OSKit to use a more modern and powerful executable format such as ELF.

Specifies the metadata reader callback function, as described in Section 35.2.1.
Specifies the executable data reader callback function, as described in Section 35.2.2.
An opaque pointer value which the executable interpreter simply passes through to the callback functions.
A pointer to an exec_info structure which the executable interpreter will fill with information about the loaded executable.

Returns 0 on success, or an error code on failure. The error code may be either one of the EX_ error codes defined in exec.h, or it may be a caller-defined error code returned by one of the callback functions and passed through to the client.